Daily Darshan


Darshan Description

According to Shrimad Bahgvat, Shri Vallabhacharya had started the Ashtyaam sewa with the bhao of Nandalaya. Later his second son Shri Gusainji Vitthalnathji established the elaborate sewa of Bhog and Shringar which is followed till today as started nearly 500 years ago. The festivals and their way of celebrations is also not changed; the various type of clothes and ornaments that Shreeji wears are the same as started several 100 years ago by Shri Gusainji.

All His Bhog is prepared according to the various seasons and days. Every type of food is prepared for Shreeji and offered in His Nij Mandir. All the traditional foods; with every dry fruit, many very expensive herbs are also used depending on the seasons. Only black pepper and rock salt is used in the preparation of His food. A lot of sugar is added in His sweet preparations. During the hot summer months He is offered water with Chandan and Gulab; while in the winters with kesar.

Govardhan Parvat has eight doors. Each door is the place of one Asht Sakha (The eight Gwal friends) of Shreeji. The Asht Sakha were the eight poet friends, who wrote and sang various bhajans in classical bhao. All the serachanas are in praise of Shreeji and express different bhava's. They are used till today in Nathdwara with each Darshan, according to the particular Darshan and time of the day. Each Darshan has a special bhava and meaning.

From morning, when Shreeji is woken, right through till the time of going to bed, there are eight Jhankis (Darshans) which are open to devotees. They are called-Mangala; Shringar; Gwal; Rajbhog; Utthapan; Bhog; Aarti; Shayan.
